physics forums

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Quantum physics science philosophy

Learn free mind quantum physics Create science philosophy psychology Think dream Lucid Universe Unique stars wisdom Play fun nice Beauty internal Join Be self Team!

quantum, physics, science, philosophy, learn, free, mind, psychology, dream, lucid, universe, unique, stars, wisdom, play, nice, beauty, internal, join, team!

The Online Physics Club [TOPC]

Free forum : The ultimate, FREE Physics club for expert Physicists, aspirant Physicists and Physics admirers!

online, club, physics, free, astrophysics, nuclear, astronomy, mathematics, atom, classical, fringe, chaos, theory

Free forum : SB Physics Help Room Sucks!

Free forum : This is place were students of Physics 121 and 123 can get together to ask questions and help each other with HW and Labs

free, physics, help, room, sucks!


Math Physics Chem Bio

free, gifted15, math, physics, chem

Astro Junkie

A forum for those who love astronomy!

forum, astronomy, physics, stars, space, science, astro, junkie, theory, stars, planets, galaxies, galaxy, jupiter, mars, solar, neptune, pluto, astroid, comet, meteor, meteorite, saturn, earth

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